Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Perception, Intuition, and Instinct

Last weekend we held the first Perception, Intuition, and Instinct course. I must say that I had a blast putting the class together and watching students learn and push their awareness skills. The first day of the course was a full battery of sensory exercises including vision acuity looking for hidden partners and objects in the forest, hearing tests which required you to dodge moving objects based on sound, scent identifying trees, tasting traces of alkaloids, salts, sugars, acids, and lipids in water, and transmuting touch into vision. We ended the day by hunting each other with blowguns, blindfolded, and using our senses to reach out. Sunday was filled with using awareness and visualization to learn and build new skills, more of the dart game but with hearing protection to up the stakes, and finished with some mind blowing intuition exercises that shocked the whole Roots staff when we witness a 100 percent student success rate in sensing someone while blindfolded!

Looking forward to running this course again and trying to plot more awareness courses for 2009...

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